About Us

Ananya'r Sathe

Welcome to Itihaser Haatchani. Myself Ananya Bhattacharya, the blog writer of Itihaser Haatchani. By profession I am a teacher. Traveling, Cooking and Reading books are my hobby. One of my passion is visiting historical places like Rajbari, Bonedi Bari or any landmark through out the world. In my blog, I would like to share my experiences with all of you and tried to represent in an interesting way with pictures. My love and passion are being mixed in this blog with lots of unknown facts from known areas. Basic language of this blog in Bengali but I have added Google Translator to read out my blog in any language you preferred. I personally traveled several countries in the world and gathered my historical knowledge which I am sharing now in this blog and this will carry on. 

You can reach me anytime over email - itihaser.haatchani@gmail.com 

Subscribe my YouTube channel for Videos - https://www.youtube.com/c/AnanyarSathe

You can follow my Facebook page for more information - https://www.facebook.com/itihaserhaatchani/

Our Team

Kaushik Bhattacharya (Web Designer)

History is our past heritage and it is the duty of the  to carry on the tradition. One of the goals of this Blog is to bring the old history hidden in the near and far, in the country and abroad, known and unknown. I know that history is not a favorite subject of many, but beautiful history will take them also to that earlier time. Everyone may not be able to travel physically in all places but mind travel can continue with my Blog.This Blog will share the knowledge about Historical Places, Zaminder Houses, Rajbari, Heritage Buildings of Kolkata, India and through out the world with relevant pictures of your interest.

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